Authors: Hoogendoorn P, Schnoor K, van Kampen SC, van Os HJA, Chavannes HN.
In this study, various COVID-19 symptom apps were assessed for quality using a new international quality standard for Health and Wellness Apps, CEN-ISO/DTS 82304-2. The “Quality Requirements Conformity Assessment” was used, which is a questionnaire with quality criteria in four different categories:
- “Healthy and safe” (health requirements, health risks, ethics, health benefits, and societal benefits)
- “Easy to use” (accessibility and usability)
- “Secure data” (privacy and security)
- “Robust build” (technical robustness and interoperability)
Using the questionnaire, 11 different apps from 11 different organizations were evaluated. App 7 refers to the “Moet ik naar de dokter?” (MINDD) app. The study found that, at present, the best app in the Netherlands for one-time symptom screening is the MINDD app.